Australian High Commission
Solomon Islands

Australia Awards - Study in Australia

Australia Awards scholarships in Solomon Islands

Australia’s international development assistance in Solomon Islands helps promote prosperity, reduce poverty, and enhance political stability.

Australia Awards Scholarships are prestigious international awards offered by the Australian Government to the next generation of global leaders in developing countries. Through study and research, recipients develop the skills and knowledge to drive change and help build enduring people-to-people links with Australia.

Applicants are assessed on their professional and personal qualities, academic competence and, most importantly, their potential to impact on development challenges in eligible countries.

Applications are strongly encouraged from women, people with disability and other marginalised groups.

Priority fields of study

The priority areas of study for eligible Solomon Islands are:

  • Economic Growth
  • Governance
  • Infrastructure
  • Science, technology, engineering and maths
  • Environment and natural resource management
  • Education
  • Health
  • Community and social development

Detailed information on priority areas of study can be found at: Australia Awards - Study in Australia

Level of study

Australia Awards scholarships provide citizens of Solomon Islands with the opportunity to obtain a qualification at an Australian tertiary institution.

Awards will be offered for commencement in 2026 within the following allocations:

  • Undergraduate level (Bachelor)
  • Post graduate level (Masters by course work or research)
  • Doctor of Philosophy

Australia Awards benefits

Australia Awards scholarships are offered for the minimum period necessary for the individual to complete the academic program specified by the Australian education institution, including any preparatory training.

Scholarship recipients will receive the following:

  • return air travel
  • a one-off establishment allowance on arrival
  • full tuition fees
  • contribution to living expenses
  • introductory academic program
  • overseas student health cover for the duration of the scholarship
  • supplementary academic support,
  • fieldwork allowance for research students and masters by coursework which has a compulsory fieldwork component.

Eligibility criteria

Australia Awards applicants must meet all eligibility requirements detailed in the Australia Awards Scholarships Policy Handbook, available at:

Country Specific Conditions

In addition to the eligibility requirements, candidates from Solomon Islands must also meet the following conditions:

  • must be residing in the Solomon Islands when applying
  • may apply when the applicant has already completed form 7 (year 13) or while completing form 7 (year 13)
  • postgraduate applicants must have 3 years work experience related to the proposed study course
  • undergraduate applicants who have a minimum of one year work or volunteer experience related to the proposed study course will be highly considered.

Priority fields of study for Solomon Islands


Undergraduate (Bachelor level)


(Master and PhD levels)

Economic growth

including but not limited to: economics; finance; human resource management; international relations; logistics, operations, and supply chain management; marketing; sports management; taxation

including but not limited to: accounting; business administration; economics; entrepreneurship; finance; human resource management; international relations; logistics, operations, and supply chain management; marketing; sports management; taxation


including but not limited to: communication, media, and journalism; customs; cyber security; disaster and emergency management; international development; law and legal practice; peace and security; police studies and intelligence; procurement and contract management; public policy

including but not limited to: communication, media, and journalism; customs; cyber security; disaster and emergency management; international development; law and legal practice; peace and security; police studies and intelligence; procurement and contract management; public policy and administration


including but not limited to: architecture; building and construction; engineering (including aeronautical, civil, electrical, maritime, mechanical, mining, sanitation, software, water); surveying; urban design and planning

including but not limited to: architecture; building and construction; engineering (including aeronautical, civil, electrical, maritime, mechanical, mining, sanitation, software, water); surveying; urban design and planning

Science, technology, engineering, and maths

including but not limited to biomedical science and biotechnology; geoscience; food science; animal health and veterinary science (Australia Awards Scholarships for Solomon Islands commencing in 2026, include 5-year Bachelor of Veterinary Science courses); computer science and information technology; mathematics and statistics.

including but not limited to biomedical science and biotechnology; geoscience; food science; animal health and veterinary science; computer science and information technology; mathematics and statistics.

Environment and natural resource management

including but not limited to: climate change; conservation; disaster risk reduction and adaptation; earth and environmental science; environment and resource economics; meteorology; waste management; water management

including but not limited to: agriculture; climate change; conservation; disaster risk reduction and adaptation; earth and environmental science; environment and resource economics; fisheries, forestry; meteorology; waste management; water management


including: education studies (non-teaching), inclusive education and disability studies

Note:  Bachelor of Teaching is not sponsored.

including but not limited to: education management; education policy; education technology/e-learning; inclusive education; learning and leadership


including: epidemiology; health policy and administration; public health; mental health; and pharmacy

Note: Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery is not sponsored. 

including but not limited to: nursing (clinical, emergency, intensive care, midwifery, obstetric, paediatric, remote); and medicine (Australia Awards Scholarships for Solomon Islands commencing in 2026, include 4-year Doctor of Medicine and Surgery courses )


and social development

including but not limited to: anthropology; creative industries and humanities; community and human services (child protection, social work, welfare); disability; gender and culture; gender and development; Pacific studies

including but not limited to: anthropology; creative industries and humanities; community and human services (child protection, social work, welfare); disability; gender and culture; gender and development; Pacific studies

Application dates

For study commencing in Australia in 2026:

Opening date: 1 February 2025

Closing date: 31 March 2025 (11:59PM AEST)

Applications and/or supporting documents received after the closing date will not be considered.

The application process­

Online applications

All applications must be lodged online through OASIS:

Supporting documents

Applicants must submit all the relevant supporting documents listed in the Australia Awards Scholarships Policy Handbook.

Applicants must also provide the following documents to meet the specific requirements for Solomon Islands:


document type



Proof of Identity

(preferably one with photo ID and coloured)

Valid Passport

Solomon Islands Driver’s Licence

Birth Certificate

Voter’s ID


Certified (relevant) English academic transcripts



Certified (relevant) English academic certificates



Two referee reports/ letters (at least one academic)



Curriculum Vitae

Needs to be in the prescribed template



Proof of Identity

(preferably one with photo ID)

Valid Passport

Solomon Islands Driver’s Licence

Birth Certificate

Voter’s ID



Certified (relevant) English academic transcripts



Certified (relevant) English academic certificates



Two referee reports/ letters (at least one academic)



Curriculum Vitae

Needs to be in the prescribed template



Proof of Identity

(preferably one with photo ID)

Valid Passport

Solomon Islands Driver’s Licence

Birth Certificate

Voter’s ID



Certified (relevant) English academic transcripts



Certified (relevant) English academic certificates



Two academic referee reports/ letters



Research proposal (must be filled in on OASIS)



Written confirmation from one potential  supervisor  that they will supervise your research



Curriculum Vitae

 Needs to be in the prescribed template


The selection process­




All documents required are submitted on time

Eligibility Checking

Applicants to check if all documents are submitted

Assessment and Ranking  

Two International Assessment Consultants will review and assess eligible applications

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted


The interview process includes an in-person interview and a written task. Applicants will be assessed against the following criteria;

  • academic competence
  • potential outcome, specifically the contribution to development in Solomon Islands
  • professional and personal leadership attributes including relevant work experience

Provisional awardees notified for IELTS

Successful candidates will be notified in late 2025

English language tests will be organised through AASI

Course Counselling


AASI will organise placements at Australian Institutions.

Preparing to mobilise

The awardee will be subject to meeting the requirements imposed by the Australian government

Visa application

Pre-Departure Briefing  


Visa granted

Mobilising to Australia begins


Preparatory training

Successful applicants will be required to attend:

  • University’s Introductory Academic Program
  • Other required preparatory study on arrival in Australia

Further information

More general information about the Australia Awards, Australia’s aid program, and studying in Australia can be found at the following links:

Information about visas and Australia Awards scholarship entitlements and conditions can be found in the Scholarships Policy Handbook: and

Contact details

Australia Awards—Solomon Islands

Address: Level 3, Hyundai Mall, Honiara Telephone: +677 24274 Fax: +677 738 7322

Email: [email protected]